The Medication Management Program was designed to assist individuals with managing the use of all medication, including prescription and over the counter medications, herbal and dietary supplements. How does the program work?
• Anyone can make a Referral to WellWise Services Area Agency on Aging for Medication Management
• A Nurse and Social Worker will assess the Individual’s needs
• If the individual qualifies, the Nurse will be assigned to oversee the Individual’s case
• The Nurse and Social Worker will provide ongoing follow up and support
• The Nurse will involve a contracted Nurse to provide services, which may include:
o Medication Reconciliation with Primary Care Physician
o Medication set up
o Phone cueing to take medications.
o Up to 2 visits per day to assist with taking medications
o Education for Participants and their caregivers on medications and how to properly take them
o Communication with referral sources (physicians, family members, care givers) regarding compliance with medication regimen
Who is Eligible?
• Those 60 years or older
• Medically frail
• In need of assistance with Medication Management