A 6-week Zoom Workshop
Chronic Pain PATH is an Interactive workshop that helps individuals with chronic pain improve how they manage their situation to cope and feel better. Topics include: pacing and planning for optimal energy, dealing with difficult emotions, managing pain and fatigue, getting better sleep, eating healthy, staying active, and positive thinking. Sessions meet 2.5 hours once a week for 6 weeks on-line using Zoom. Participants will need a webcam and a microphone to participate.
Get on the PATH to better health with the Chronic Pain PATH workshop!
Learn how to:
• Pace and plan for optimal energy
• Manage fatigue
• Problem solve and make decisions
• Deal with difficult emotions
• Practice positive thinking
• Make healthy food choices
• Increase physical activity
• Improve communication skills
• Action Plan
• Includes the Moving Easy Program!
QUESTIONS? Call WellWise Services Area Agency on Aging at 517-592-1974 or email [email protected]
PROVIDER REFERRALS can be faxed to (517)592-1975 Attn: Chronic Pain PATH